The Top 10 De La Soul Songs
Out of all the lists I've created, this one might have been the most difficult to write. I've been on record for years in claiming that De La Soul is the greatest hip hop group of all time (sure, I'll entertain arguments for Quest, Wu Tang, et. al., but ultimately I will not be moved off of this opinion). So the process of ranking their top 10 songs, and curating their incredible catalog down to just 30 of my favorites, was arduous to say the least. There are just so many tracks to choose from, across 8 studio albums and a 30+ year run of sustained excellence. Much has been made of how De La carved out space in rap music for those who didn't fit the mode. Suburban kids, backpackers, and goofballs from all walks of life who happened to be fans of hip hop. What I love most about De La is however is how often they reinvented themselves, not just on the seminal "De La Soul Is Dead" (for my money, their best record and still one of the 10 greatest hip hop albums e...