
Showing posts from May, 2009

Keep Your Mouth Shut.

Lamont’s Lists May 2009 Keep Your Mouth Shut. And Other Etiquette Rules For New Jersey Transit Commuters The other day on my way home from work in Manhattan, a rather large guy squeezed in next to me as the fourth passenger in a four way seat (a flagrant violation of commuter etiquette). Sensing that he might be the chatty type, I quickly began fumbling around for some avoidance signals (started texting on my phone, pulled out my headphones, etc). Despite my efforts, he started yapping anyway (he opened with the old “how do you like that phone?” lead in as he eyed my latest smartphone). Much to my discomfort, he then proceeded to yammer all the way home, waxing poetic about a wide assortment of mundane topics. That painful ride got me to thinking about commuter train etiquette. New Jersey to Manhattan train commuters are some of the world’s most curmudgeonly and that is totally understandable. It’s a brutal existence, freezing in the winter, hellish in the summer, delayed year...