Lamont's List - November 2006 "The 10 Most Influential Rap Songs Of All Time"
Hello folks, below please find the latest installment of Lamont’s Lists, "The 10 Most Influential Rap Songs Ever”. These are the tunes that rap shall be forever indebted to… the ones that set the stage for hip hop to become as we know it today. Shout out to my man Dave Gugino for challenging me to compile this one. Please enjoy responsibly. And as always, feedback of all kind is much appreciated. Lamont The 10 Most Influential Rap Songs Ever 1. Rapper's Delight - Sugarhill Gang (1979) Yes Hip Hop "scholars", we all realize that Rapper's Delight was not technically the 1st rap single, but given that it is almost universally considered to be the one that started it all, we should just pretend like it was. Without Sugarhill Gang and their rip off of Chic's disco smash "Good Times" it's arguable that rap music might not exist today. 2 Walk This Way - Run-DMC (1986) The 1st rock/rap collaboration was ground-breaking for many reasons, mos...